What Is Myofascial Release & How To Do Myofascial Release

Myofascial can be really annoying for anyone. The constant irritation and pain could cause them to be less productive during work and have a bad day. One of the solutions to this problem is Myofascial release and that is really easy. If you don’t know about myofascial release and how to do it, here is a complete guide to help you through with it. It is important that you follow all these exercises in the right order to understand the full method.

muscle massage gun

What Is Myofascial Release?

Myofascial release is a different kind of therapy that can help in relieving pain. It can also treat immobility and millions of people around the world can take advantage of it. The technique uses the method of stretching and applying pressure on different muscles and joints to help in relaxation. It eases the muscles and can help with blood circulation as well. The methods for myofascial may vary but normally it is done in a natural manner with regular tools such as a tennis ball for applying pressure on muscles and release stress. 

However, it is essential to be careful when doing myofascial release as a small mistake can lead up to more stress on your muscles and joints. When doing these exercises, you should change positions or avoid a particular muscle if you feel too much pain or get in an uncomfortable situation that can hurt in any way. Once you take note of this, you can do many different types of myofascial releases and get rid of the pain and stress in your muscles.

How To Do Myofascial Release?

There are many exercises and releases that can help with Myofascial pain. Here are some of the best ones.

  • Piriformis Release 

If you sit for a long hour doing some work then this myofascial exercise will be perfect for you. Sitting for long hours in the same position can make your piriformis muscle tight and can lead to back pain and sciatic pain. Sit straight on a flat chair and keep your feet straight flat on the ground. Make sure to keep your spine straight during this procedure. Balance yourself on the chair and keep the ball between your outside hip bone and tailbone, making yourself half sit on the ball. Apply pressure on the ball while resting yourself against it for two minutes.

  • Calves Release 

Calves are also the tight muscles that will help you feel good after a few rolls. You can take up the foam roller and sit with your hands behind you. After you get in this posture, place one foot on the ground and the other on the foam roller with your butt lifted in the air. Give support to yourself with your hands and the foot on the ground while slowly rolling the back of your calf on the foam. Do not go below your knee and continue these exercises till you feel better and your muscles start to loosen up. 

  • Trapezius Release 

This is best for those people who face severe headaches and tight shoulders. The forward head carriage can cause many different problems in your neck and shoulder muscles. You’ll need a tennis ball for this myofascial release exercise. Stand against a wall with your feet flat on the ground and your spine straight. Put the ball against your trapezius muscle between your shoulder and neck. After placing the ball in the position, start moving towards the wall applying pressure on the tight spot for at least one to two minutes.    

  • Back Release

Sit on the mat while your knees are bent. Place a tennis ball on either side of your spine below your trapezius muscles. You can get a deep and relaxing massage if you are doing this exercise correctly. It can give you an effective result and help in loosening up your tight muscles. When you are all set for the further procedure, press the tennis ball with your body weight and roll up two inches by using your legs, making the tennis ball roll down to your spine. Make the ball stay there for two minutes and then roll it towards your back. Let the ball travel the length of your spine but slowly and with gaps. Once it has reached the length of the spine, you can remove it. 

  • Traps Release 

Once you start gaining weight or have been spending a lot of time working then the traps start to suffer because of tension in the muscles. In order to deal with this situation, place both of your hands at the back as if you are about to do sit ups. Place the foam roller at the upper back and roll yourself slowly along the upper back. Do not roll yourself at the lower back because you should never roll on your lower back. This will ease the tension in your muscles and you will be able to notice the difference yourself.

  • Hamstrings Release 

Try sitting on the mat with your legs in the V shape. Move the flesh below your sitting bones making them rest directly on the ground. Place a tennis ball under each of your thighs and position them along with the sitting bones. Lean yourself forward and backward to increase or decrease the sensation. Do not stretch yourself forward as it can pull your muscle and put a strain on them. It will give you pleasure while doing this myofascial exercise. After a few minutes, pull the ball quarter way between your hips and knees and then repeat the exercise, moving the ball halfway between your hips and knees.

  • Adductors Release 

For adductors release, place the rolling foam on the floor and position yourself by lying on your stomach with the inside of one thigh on the floor. Balance yourself with the other foot, straight on the floor. Start rolling your thigh slowly from the groin to the knee. Do not roll over the knee joint as it can be dangerous and make things worse. Stop right away, if you start feeling pain or if you are uncomfortable. Make sure to tighten your abs and to maintain a proper position during the exercise.  

  • Hip Release 

Lie down on a mat with your knees bent and the bottom of the feet on the mat. Place a tennis ball under the hips, making them position one inch from either side of the sacrum. You can rest here and once you start to feel comfortable, start moving your right leg and right tennis ball away from the sacrum. Bend your left leg to apply more pressure before moving the tennis ball away. You should also start rolling your body at this point. Do not go all the way to your stomach as that can put a strain on your muscles. Position the ball in the front of the pocket zone of your hip and apply pressure. This way, you can release the tension from the hip and relax more.

Myofascial release can help you in many ways. It is a different kind of therapy that can make your mind relax and you will feel better instantly. Make sure you are in the right position before you apply any pressure or make any movement. With these exercises, you can do myofascial release yourself and take advantage of its many benefits.

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