How Much Does High-Frequency Hair Wand Cost?

High Frequency Hair Wand

Hair loss and thinning hair are common issues that affect both men and women. While there are many products and treatments that claim to help with hair growth, high-frequency hair treatment is emerging as an effective option for stimulating hair follicles and improving hair density.

What is High Frequency Wand for Hair?

High-frequency wand uses an electrical device to deliver a low level of high-frequency current to the scalp. This high-frequency current helps improve blood circulation, provide nutrients, and stimulate hair follicles – all important factors for healthy hair growth.

The treatment involves applying a conductive gel to the areas of hair loss on the scalp. Then a handheld high-frequency wand is glided over the scalp; it does not directly touch the skin. The wand emits a high-frequency current, which has mild radiation that penetrates the scalp.

This stimulates cellular activity and blood circulation in the treated areas. Improved blood flow brings more oxygen and nutrients that nourish weak or damaged follicles. This results in stronger, thicker hair growth over time.

The sensation of high-frequency treatment is often described as a warm tingling feeling on the scalp. It is very safe and non-invasive, using currents and radiation well below dangerous levels. Treatments are quick and can be done in as little as 5 to 10 minutes per session.

What Does a High-Frequency Machine Do for Hair?

The main mechanisms by which high-frequency treatment improves hair growth and thickness include:

  • Increasing Blood Circulation – The high-frequency current causes gentle radiation and heat that dilates blood vessels beneath the scalp. This boosts blood flow, delivering more oxygen and nutrients to follicles.
  • Removing Toxins and Bacteria – The currents create an antiseptic effect that cleans the scalp skin of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms that can inhibit hair growth.
  • Improving Cellular Activity – The increased blood flow and nutrients energize follicles cells, stimulating activity to strengthen hair.
  • Increasing Growth Factor Levels – High-frequency treatment may increase levels of growth factors like IGF-1 and KGF that regulate hair growth cycles and follicle health.
  • Minimizing Hair Loss Effects – For conditions like alopecia, high-frequency limits inflammation and autoimmune responses that cause excessive shedding and thinning.

In summary, high-frequency machines send currents that nourish follicles, remove scalp blockages, increase growth factors, and minimize hair loss processes – boosting thickness and density for those with thinning hair or balding patches.

How Does the High-Frequency Wand Promote Hair Growth?

High-frequency treatment jumpstarts hair regrowth in both men and women by directly targeting the causes of alopecia and pattern baldness. Here’s a closer look at how it stimulates new growth:

  • Restores Hair Follicles – Many cases of hair loss are caused by follicles stuck in the telogen (resting) phase rather than growing anagen phase. The high-frequency currents energize follicles to move into anagen phase and resume hair production.
  • Clears Follicle Blockages – Buildup of sebum, dead skin cells, and hardened oils can clog follicles and prevent new growth. The treatment eliminates these blockages and clears the way for new hairs to emerge.
  • Stimulates Blood Vessels – Expanding blood vessels in the scalp bring nutrients to weakened or inactive follicles, fueling them to generate thicker, healthier strands of hair.
  • Provides Essential Elements – More blood flow means better delivery of oxygen, minerals, and amino acids to support robust hair regrowth. This nourishes follicles from the inside out.
  • Neutralizes DHT – For androgenetic alopecia (male/female pattern baldness), high frequency limits DHT hormone effects that miniaturize follicles. This helps maintain healthy, full-sized follicles.

The combination of these mechanisms gives follicles what they need to restore activity and promote the growth of new, thicker hairs.

High Frequency Hair Wand

Does High Frequency Work for Hair Growth?

Multiple research studies have shown high-frequency treatment to be effective at stimulating hair growth for different types of hair loss.

In one clinical trial, 70% of alopecia areata patients experienced significant hair regrowth after high-frequency treatment. It performed better than the topical steroid cream for reversing patchy hair loss.

Another study found that people with androgenic alopecia saw a 21% increase in hair count and 19% increase in hair density after 16 weeks of high-frequency treatment.

A review of high-frequency therapy for alopecia also had positive findings. It concluded that the treatment objectively improved hair loss by enhancing blood flow, limiting inflammation, and providing essential nutrients.

While high frequency treatment may not work for every individual, the overall evidence indicates it can be a successful option for reviving hair growth. It is considered a safe, non-invasive alternative to surgical hair restoration or drugs like minoxidil.

How Effective Is High-Frequency Wand for Hair Fall?

For people experiencing excessive daily hair fall or shedding, high-frequency treatment can curb hair loss in addition to stimulating new growth.

It counteracts hair miniaturization, neutralizes DHT, clears clogged follicles, and interrupts the telogen shedding phase that leads to large amounts of hair falling out daily. This combination of effects reduces excessive shedding.

In a study on high-frequency therapy for telogen effluvium (TE) hair loss, the treatment decreased hair shedding by 35% after 2 months. 82% of TE patients also had decreased hair fall with high-frequency currents.

For alopecia areata, high frequency not only promotes hair regrowth but also prevents the abnormal autoimmune attack on follicles that causes rapid, extensive shedding.

The clinically demonstrated ability to slow hair loss while encouraging new growth makes high-frequency treatment a dual-action approach for dealing with excessive hair fall and thinning hair.

How Often Should You Do High-Frequency for Hair?

To maximize hair growth results, most dermatologists recommend high-frequency treatment 3 times per week. Sessions can be spaced out, such as:

  • Monday
  • Wednesday
  • Friday

Using the high-frequency device every other day allows sufficient time for the currents to work between treatments.

Daily treatment is not recommended, as it may be too energizing for follicles. Spacing out sessions prevents overstimulating hair bulbs while still providing regular stimulation for better growth.

Some people may see benefits with 2 sessions per week. However, high-frequency therapy should be done at least 5 to 6 times over a 2 to 3 week period to notice improvements in hair density and growth.

It’s important to be consistent with the treatment schedule. Irregular sessions do not give the cumulative benefits for hair. Consistency also helps build up cellular energy and blood flow improvements that translate to thicker hair.

How Much Does High-Frequency Hair Wand Cost?

High-frequency devices for hair growth range in price from $50 to $200 for handheld home devices. Professional treatments cost $60 to $150 per session at hair restoration clinics.

At-home high-frequency devices have the advantage of providing frequent treatments on your schedule. A one-time investment of $100 to $200 means the ability to use it anytime with no recurring costs. It’s an affordable option with great convenience.

In-office treatments allow a professional to target the high-frequency currents to areas of hair loss. However, the sessions may need to be done indefinitely to maintain results. This leads to much higher long-term costs than a single at-home device purchase.

To maximize savings, an at-home high-frequency device with replaceable argon gas bulbs is recommended. This lasts for years of frequent hair treatments at a fraction of the cost of ongoing professional treatments.

Over time, the investment pays for itself with thicker, denser hair. When used properly, high-frequency treatment can be a cost-effective approach for both men and women seeking to improve hair growth.

The Power of High-Frequency for Hair Restoration

High-frequency electrical stimulation is an innovative hair and scalp treatment grounded in scientific research. The precisely controlled currents nourish follicles, remove blockages, curb hair loss processes, and energize regrowth.

While not a cure for permanent hair loss conditions, high-frequency therapy has proven clinical results showing its ability to revive dormant follicles and improve hair density. As an accessible, non-invasive approach, high-frequency treatment empowers people to take control of their hair restoration needs safely from home. Unlock the potential of your own hair regrowth with this powerful technology.

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