Best Knee Massager Machines:Benefits,Purchasing Guide 2020

Knee massagers has emerged as one of the best solutions for joint disorders, rheumatism, hyperostosis and mobility problems. They are perfect to get rid of the pain, stress and tension from the knee muscles. Even, you don’t need to have a chiropractor or physiotherapist to do knee massage.

Since professional knee massage services are quite expensive and you might have to compromise your convenience, the best bet is to strap on a small device and take advantage of its relaxing experience to revitalize your knees. All you need to do is to find the right massager for knee pain and see how it will bring a difference in your life:

Section1: Are knee massagers safe to use?

There should be no confusion about the safe and secure use of knee massagers. They are specifically designed to combat knee pain without causing harm to other parts of the body. Precisely, this type of massager has turned out to be effective for the following issues:

  • Tendinitis: Inflammation in the tendon, which is present between shinbone and kneecap (patella). Pain is usually present to the sides or behind the knees, often arises before or after exercise.
  • Patella tracking issues: This pain is around the knee cap that might get worse due to excessive physical activities/exercise. The person might experience knee straightening/bending.
  • Osteoarthritis: This knee problem comes with age when the bones are not dense enough and become fragile, leading to stiffness, mild swelling and pain.
  • Bursitis: It occurs in the fluid-filled sac in the form of inflammation over the joints. This sac is present in-between the bones and tendons as a cushion that control physical activities involving repetitive movement.

You can do thorough research on their performance and choose the right massager for knee pain to enjoy the following benefits:

  • Promote blood circulation in the muscles around the knee. Higher amount of oxygen in the blood is good for irritation and inflammation.
  • Ideal for people who don’t want to take pain medicines and killers.
  • Improve joint flexibility followed by increasing the production of stress hormone.
  • Boost serotonin production to improve mood and sleep.

To get the best results, you can use this massage twice or thrice in a week. Just heat the area before massage and let the muscles enjoy the experience and relax for the upcoming day.

Section2: Complete Purchasing Guide For Knee Massager

Once you have decided to search for a knee massager, the next important step is to find out which type or model would work best for your body. Remember that not all massagers can provide the same benefits to everyone; one massager may not be as effective as it was for someone else. It is, therefore, necessary to know some basics about different knee massager types.

  1. Pad or Wrap Massager

Based on the name, this massager wraps on the knee, elbow or wrist and works either with heating or vibration to relieve the muscles from stress. Operated with a battery, its intensity level varies from one version to another but you will certainly find at least 3 modes.

  • Electric Massager

It operates with power supply and latest technologies. It has vibration, heating therapy and adjustable intensity level features that are capable of a number of knee problems. However, if you don’t have electricity, they would be of no use.

knee massager for pain

Essential Feature of a Knee Massager

Now that you have chosen a type of massager for knee pain, it’s time to move ahead and look at some of the necessary features that should always be there in your device:

  • Fit or Size

You might be wondering how does it make sense? Since the massager has to work on an affected body area, it should be capable of fitting into it no matter where it is placed.

Whereas, its size depends upon the person’s body structure and choose the massager accordingly. The key is to look at the knee size and come up with an appropriate size- which you would most probably find with Velcro elastic for dipping sessions.

  • Electric or Infrared Massage Machine

Since your aim is to get relief from knee pain and strengthen the muscles for further physical activities, both machines can get the job done.

  • Cordless or Corded

This selection entirely depends on your needs. If you want a portable one, then cordless is definitely the answer as you can use it anywhere you are going. While a corded would restrict your mobility but it doesn’t need continuous charging like the cordless one. Just measure the cord’s length; the knee massager should be enough to give some restricted freedom.

  • Vibration and Heating

This feature also depends upon what benefits you want to see in your body. If you are looking for a massager for knee pain, then heating can do it but if it’s about blood circulation, then vibrating massager should be there. Just make sure that both are adjustable and let you take all the benefits safely.

  • Multi-Tasking

If the chosen massager is particularly designed for shoulder, ankle, knee and elbow, then it can be used for other body parts as well.

  • Adjustable Heat

You are free to set the heating level according to your requirements. Having a device with adjustable heat means that your body parts are going to get relief from all types of pain, no matter how intense they are.

  • Auto Switch Off

With this feature, you can be rest assured of keeping yourself safe from possible hazards of using an electric knee massager specifically. Even for a heating one, you are sure that there would be no overheating and it will switch off automatically as per the heat level adjusted.

  • Warranty

Most of the massagers have 1 or 2 years of product warranty; whereas, you should always read the warranty terms thoroughly to avoid facing issues afterwards.

  • Price and Budget

Last but not the least, always estimate your budget and list down the options. It makes no sense to look at expensive knee massagers.

knee massage machine

Important Questions to Ask for Selection knee massager

Is it safe to use a massager for knee pain?

Yes, you can use it safely under manufacturer’s instructions. Always make sure that you are using it properly otherwise it might harm you. It’s better to read the manual before operating it.

What is the right time to massage the knees?

Practically, there is nothing like an ideal time while using a knee massager. It can be used anytime to relax and soothe the muscles. All you need to do is to enjoy the vibration or heating for 115 to 30 minutes and you will feel the difference.

Is it effective for everyone?

Since the purpose of a massager is to get rid of pain, stiffness, soreness and tension in the shoulders, knee and elbow, it is good for everyone. This type of massager can do wonders on swelling, sports injuries, arthritis and many more muscle problems.

Why is it recommended to use a knee massager?

A massager for knee pain is known for providing a number of benefits. They have shown incredible results to improve joint flexibility, muscle tension, blood circulation and stress reduction.

Not only this, they are capable of improving skin texture and helps the user to get rid of depression and anxiety. They are a perfect source of relief, comfort and can even replace pain relieving capsules and tablets.

Is there any downside of using a massager for knee pain?

Although a massager is safe and effective to use, its vibration and heating feature may cause harm if not given proper attention. Your task is to understand their functionality and check the intensity level before using.

If you are confused about what could be the right way to use them, it’s better to take help from a consultant who can assist about where and how to make the right choice. Also, in case of having a medical issue like skin allergies or diabetes, it’s better to avoid using it.

What are the precautions and measures to take?

Never leave the knee massager open or easily accessible because it might be dangerous for anyone, especially when you have kids at home. Always clean and store them at a safe place.

Moreover, always take out the plug when you are done with massaging. Read the instructions on the manual or watch tutorials to learn what measures to take before its safe operation.

What to do if there is no relief in pain after using a massager?

In this situation, you have only one option i.e. to visit a doctor or physician to get yourself checked properly.

Section3: Wrap Up

After knowing a lot about a massager for knee pain, you might have reasons to bring one for yourself. There is no harm in using the knee massager until you know how to make the most of its benefits.

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